Yasmin teaches a range of courses for engineering and chemistry students, including the introductory courses in chemistry, computational chemistry, and protein engineering techniques. Additionally, she offers consulting and workshops in computational biochemistry and drug design, and scientific writing.
Uppsala University
Courses in English
Biophysical Chemistry, 10 hp
International MSc Chemistry
Course for first year students on the international MSc Chemistry program at Uppsala University.
Research Training in Chemistry, 10 hp
International MSc Chemistry
Course for first year students on the international MSc Chemistry program at Uppsala University.
Computational Chemistry for Biological Macromolecules, 10 hp
International MSc Chemistry
Course for second year students on the international MSc Chemistry program at Uppsala University.
Courses in Swedish
Chemical Principles I, 10 hp
MSc Chemical Engineering
Introductory course in chemistry for the MSc. Chemical Engineering program at Uppsala University.
The Basic Principles of Chemistry, 15 hp
BSc Biology, BSc Earth Science, Teachers
Introductory course in chemistry for the BSc. Biology, BSc Earth Science, and the Teachers programs at Uppsala University.
Methods of Biotechnology, 15hp
MSc. Biotechnology Engineering
Course for second year students on the MSc. Biotechnology Engineering program at Uppsala University.
Molecular and Statistical Mechanics, 6hp
MSc. Biotechnology Engineering
Course for third year students on the MSc. Biotechnology Engineering program at Uppsala University.
Stand-alone courses and workshops
Introduction to molecular modeling with Schrodinger
PhD and PostDocs
Online workshop at Stanford university
How to improve your scientific writing
BSc, MSc, PhD students
Workshops at various universities and research institutes in Malaysia
Webinars and web content
Elevate Your Workforce with Insight
We can elevate your expertise in computational chemistry, computational biochemistry, and related disciplines. Our offerings include engaging invited lectures, hands-on workshops, and insightful seminars designed to enrich your knowledge and skills.